Murray Academy raises $3000 In support of dance families

On May 19th, the Murray Academy hosted their annual spring feis in Stratham, NH, USA.

Dancers traveled from all over North America to attend the popular feis.

The feis was organised by the dance school's Parent's Club, Cara Rince which aptly translates to "Friend of Dance."

The club's goal is to support the Murray Academy dancers traveling to major competitions.  

Prior to the feis, the group worked tirelessly to create a "FEIS-TASTIC" raffle basket which included donations from Irish Dancing Magazine, Elevation Designs, Camelia Rose, and Reel Champ socks, along with other items donated by the parents of the Murray Academy families.

The raffle was a huge success, raising over $3,000 to offset costs of dancers attending the recent North American Irish Dance Championships.

Murray Academy's parent-run group works hand in hand with Anne Murray MacRitchie, TCRG to continually support the dancers in achieving their goals in Irish Dance. 

Now that the annual spring feis is done and dusted, the school is planning a NEW Winter Blackout Feis in January 2020.  Learn more at www.murrayacademy.com


Would you like your feis featured in Irish Dancing Magazine? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for promotional feis packages both in print and on our social media!

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