Milwaukee Irish Dance Company

The Milwaukee Irish Dance Company is made up of local retired dancers who meet up once a week to have fun, stay in shape and keep dancing! The Milwaukee Irish Dance Company (MIDC) offers online and in person classes with professional show dancers currently working in the industry. These classes are a source for continuing education for professional dancers while also filling the gap between competitive and show dancing.We realize there is a need for performance Irish dance classes and we want to give all aspiring show dancers and current show dancers as many opportunities as possible!The number one question professional dancers get from those who want to break into the industry:What is the best way to break into show dancing?!GET EXPERIENCE!Our classes are open to anyone and everyone interested in performance Irish dance! In addition to our classes, we offer performance and video opportunities for Irish dancers based in Milwaukee to build their professional resume and / or have the experience of a professional dancer while locally based.Interested in performing with us!? Submit your audition! Are YOU a professional Irish dancer interested in teaching a class?! We are always looking for qualified instructors for our online classes! Website:
Category | Dance Schools |
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