Dancer at the Bat
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Story of Your Design
When I’m not dancing, I’m playing softball or watching a baseball game. Baseball, Irish dance, and art are my all time favorite hobbies. This contest gave me the perfect opportunity to combine the three things I love best all together in one unique design. I incorporated bright green colors to represent the green fields of Ireland, and the ball fields where I play. I included the color red to represent the stitches on the baseball, and to help make the skirt “pop” on stage. I added brown to represent a baseball diamond and bats, blue touches act as the sky over the ballpark, and yellow stands for the rays of the sun. The colors are combined on the sleeves into a unique rainbow of multi-colored dots. I included my initials just like on a “reel” baseball player’s jersey. I’ve dedicated most of my life to Irish dance. In my spare time, I love going to baseball games and cheering on my favorite players. Baseball has special meaning for my family. This summer we got to pitch a tent and camp overnight in the outfield after a Rochester Red Wings game (my mom’s favorite team from her childhood) and watch a fireworks show and our favorite movie, Elf! We also got to host a college baseball player who played in a local summer league. It was so cool having a real baseball player be part of our family even though he was super busy training and playing ball. I now know how much time and dedication these players put into mastering their sport. This fall, I’m playing little league softball for the first time while training for Oireachtas. It’s a lot of work, but it is worth it to me because I love both sports so much. This dress represents baseball players’ and dancers’ hard work, dedication and love for their sport! Now it’s time to PLAY BALL!
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